Research grant from AFA Försäkring

Johann Packendorff  has been awarded a research grant of 2,5 MSEK for the project ”Leadership cultures and organisational change: Leadership practices and work environment in profession-based organisations”. Change processes in health care organizations will be studied from a perspective on leadership as a relational and culturally constructed phenomenon. The project will run 2013-2015.

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Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat

Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat, the leading francophone entrepreneurship journal, has published a special issue (Vol 10, No 2, 2011) focused on the intersection between project studies and entrepreneurship research. Monica Lindgren and Johann Packendorff contributed with the article ”On the temporary organizing of entrepreneurial processes: Applying a project metaphor to the study of entrepreneurship”. Read more…

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Stockholm County Administrative Board

Johann Packendorff and Annika Skoglund have acted as scientific advisors to an inquiry on entrepreneurship support structures in the Stockholm region. The final report ”Heroiska män och pålästa kvinnor: En förstudie av det företagsfrämjande systemet i Stockholms län” is now published and can be downloaded from this page (in Swedish).

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Journal of the Knowledge Economy

The article ”Quadruple Helix as a way to bridge the gender gap in entrepreneurship: The case of an innovation system project in the Baltic Sea region” by Malin Lindberg, Monica Lindgren and Johann Packendorff is now published in the Journal of the Knowledge Economy as an Online First article. Read more…

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Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2012

The Critical Management Studies (CMS) and Management Education and Development (MED) divisions of the Academy of Management will sponsor a showcase symposion on ”Critical Approaches to Leadership Learning and Development” at the Annual Meeting in Boston, 4-7 August 2012. The symposion is organised by Jackie Ford and Ann Cunliffe, and include the invited speakers Lucia Crevani, Monica Lindgren, Johann Packendorff, Nancy Harding and Joe Raelin. Read more…

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Scandinavian Journal of Management

From the onset of 2012, Monica Lindgren serves as Associate Editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Management. Founded in 1985, the journal has developed into a well respected outlet for management research across the globe. Since 2009, it is listed in the Web of Science and the Social Sciences Citation Index.

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Stockholm County Administrative Board

As a part of a general inquiry into how to improve the support for entrepreneurs in the Stockholm region, Johann Packendorff has received a grant to be scientific advisor. Together with Annika Skoglund from KTH, he will assist the inquiry in providing scientific guidance and theoretical input.

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6th Making Projects Critical workshop, 16-17 April, 2012

The 6th Making Projects Critical workshop will take place at Manchester Business School in April 2012. The organizers – Damian Hodgson, Monica Lindgren, Johann Packendorff and Svetlana Cicmil – look forward to abstracts no later than January 13, 2012. Read more in the MPC6 CfP!

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Issues, responsibilities and identities

New article by Monica Lindgren and Johann Packendorff on distributed leadership perspectives applied to biotech R&D management now published in Creativity and Innovation Management journal. Read more…

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1st International Conference in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs

This new conference in the entrepreneurship field will take place in Caen, France, 3-4 November 2011. The stream ”Entrepreneurial Organising: Projects and Processes” will be organized by Johann Packendorff, Monica Lindgren, Roland Condor, Alain Asquin and Christophe Schmitt. Read more at the conference web: The Call for papers can be found here.

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