Leadership cultures and discursive hybridisation

In a new article in International Journal of Public Leadership, Lucia Crevani, Marianne Ekman, Monica Lindgren and Johann Packendorff explore the concept of leadership culture and analyse how leadership cultures are produced in higher education reforms, in a hybridised discursive context of traditional academic values and emerging managerialism and leaderism. Building on a perspective on leadership as a cultural phenomenon emerging in processes in which societal, sectorial and professional discursive resources are invoked, the study adds to earlier studies on how notions of leadership are involved in the transformation of higher education organisations. To this end, the method combines a traditional qualitative study of change initiatives over a long period of time with participative observation. Focusing on two vignettes, the analysis centres on how several discursive resources are drawn upon in daily interaction. The paper emphasises how hybrid cultures develop through confirmation, re-formulation and rejection of discursive influences. Read more

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Interview in Sunt Arbetsliv

Johann Packendorff and Erika Lokatt. Photographer: Margareta Edling.

Johann Packendorff and Erika Lokatt has been interviewed in Sunt Arbetsliv, a national practitioner journal focusing on work life and health issues. Read more (in Swedish)

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Research programme grant from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond

Anders Broström, Marianne Ekman Rising, Monica Lindgren, Johann Packendorff and Lars Geschwind has received a grant from The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond) on 12,1 MSEK for the research programme ”Performance-based governance in Academia: Professional practices and identities in transformation”. In the programme, fundamental mechanisms determining how core professional practices in academia are studied, and how they are affected by the introduction of organisational level systems for performance-based allocation of funding. With academic staff employed at research-intensive Swedish higher education institutions in focus, we study the identity construction of academics in relation to ”economistic” forms of organizational governance, and how these interdependent processes affect the behaviour of individuals. The program will run 2016-2020 and is led by Dr Anders Broström at the Dept of Industrial Economics and Management, KTH. Read more!

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Monica Lindgren member of Editorial board

Monica Lindgren has been included in the editorial board of the WoS-ranked Scandinavian Journal of Management, published by Elsevier. Monica was Associate Editor of the journal 2012-2015.

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Monica Lindgren appointed member of the KTH Employment Committee

Monica Lindgren has been appointed a member of the Employment Committee of KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The Committee is led by the Dean of Faculty and consists of nine representatives, one from each of the nine KTH schools. The three main tasks of the Employment Committee are: (1) promotion matters; including both preparation and decisions on these; (2) teacher recruitment matters; including both preparation and decisions, and (3) administering KTH´s quality development effort regarding teacher recruitment, as well as follow-up of this. Monica is the representative of the School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM), and hold her position from the onset of September 2015.

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Call for papers: 8th Making Projects Critical Workshop

The 8th Making Projects Critical Workshop will be hosted by Newcastle University January 21-22, 2016. Organised by Neil Alderman, Chris Ivory, Damian Hodgson, Svetlana Cicmil, Monica Lindgren and Johann Packendorff, the workshop will inquire into ways in which a richer, creative dialogue between critical perspectives and the conventional rationalistic view of project management can be developed. In order that the various critiques of the conventional project management body of knowledge can be made meaningful and useful to those such as project managers who work closely with, and struggle with the demands of, project-based organisation and who are trying to find fairer, more acceptable and participative/democratic ways of coping with their roles, we invite authors to consider the implications of their analyses for practice and practicing project managers. What are the reactions of practitioners to the ‘making projects critical’ agenda?

Download the Call for Papers here!

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’Leadership, not leaders’ now the most cited article in Scandinavian Journal of Management

The article ”Leadership, not leaders: On the study of leadership as practices and interactions”, published by Lucia Crevani, Monica Lindgren and Johann Packendorff, is now the most cited article in the Web-of-Science-ranked Scandinavian Journal of Management, according to the journal’s homepage. Published in 2010, the article suggests a perspective within leadership research that has an analytical focus on leadership as it is practiced in daily interaction, rather than on individual leaders.

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Johann Packendorff appointed Director of Research

Johann Packendorff has been appointed Director of Research at the Dept of Industrial Economics and Management. His main task is to be Programme Director for the KTH PhD Program in Industrial Economics and Management. The programme offers doctoral training within two subjects at the third educational cycle (Industrial Engineering & Management, and Economics) and has about 90 enrolled PhD candidates. He holds the position from the onset of December, 2014. Read more about the program.

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Monica Lindgren appointed Head of Unit

Monica Lindgren has been appointed Head of the Unit for Organisation and Management at the Department of Industrial Economics and Management, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. The Unit is responsible for teaching and research related to organisation & organizational change, leadership, gender & diversity, project management and HRM. Read more at the unit homepage. An interview with Monica on the ambitions with the new position can be found here. She hold the position from the onset of September 2014.

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Leadership paper presented at 30th EGOS Colloquium

Erika Lokatt, Monica Lindgren, Johann Packendorff and Charlotte Holgersson participated in the standing work group on Reconceptualizing Contemporary Public Services Organizations at the 30th EGOS Colloquium at ERASMUS University, Rotterdam, Netherlands. We presented a paper titled ”Physicians, nurses and leadership work: A study of managerialism and leaderism in the reconstruction of professionalism in Swedish health care”, which is based on on-going research in Swedish health care organizations.

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