We are both professors of Industrial Economics and Management at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Aside from living together, we also run several joint professional projects within research, teaching, public speaking and consulting. We are interested in organization and management in a wide sense, but focused on project management, entrepreneurship, gender studies and leadership.
Monica Lindgren (molindg@kth.se)
Johann Packendorff (johann@kth.se)Meta
The project (management) discourse and its consequences
In an article in the special issue on the politics of projects in technology-intensive work in New Technology, Work and Employment, Svetlana Cicmil, Monica Lindgren and Johann Packendorff examine how the discourses related to project-based work and management are drawn upon in the organising of contemporary work, and the implications they have for project workers. We are interested in how project workers and projectified organisations become vulnerable to decline, decay and exhaustion and why they continue to participate in, and so sustain, projectification processes. The critical perspective taken here, in combination with our empirical material from the ICT sector, surfaces an irreversible decline of the coping capacity of project workers and draws attention to the addictive perception of resilience imposed on and internalised by them as a condition of success and longevity. Under those circumstances, resilience is made sense of and internalised as coping with vulnerability by letting some elements of life being destroyed; thus re-emerging as existentially vulnerable rather than avoiding or resisting the structures and processes that perpetuate vulnerability.
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