Academic CV

Personal data

Monica Elisabeth Lindgren

Date of birth: 17th February, 1959, in Skellefteå, Sweden

Civil status: Married, three children (82, 84, 89)

Current place of residence: Stockholm, Sweden.

Workplace: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Industrial Engineering & Management, Dept of Industrial Economics & Management, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4663-9913


1978-1979: Substituting high school teacher (Vikarierande gymnasielärare), Anderstorpsskolan, Skellefteå.

1979-1983: University education, Faculty of Teacher Education, Umeå University (incl maternity leave in 1982).

1983-1984: High school teacher in business administration (Adjunkt), Hammargymnasiet, Sandviken.

1985-1985: High school teacher in business administration (Adjunkt), Anderstorpsskolan, Skellefteå.

1985-1987: County clerk (Landskanslist), Lokala skattemyndigheten, Umeå.

1987-1996: Lecturer and PhD-candidate (Universitetsadjunkt och doktorand), Umeå School of Business & Economics, Umeå University, Umeå.

1996-2001: Senior lecturer/assistant professor (Universitetslektor och forskarassistent), Umeå School of Business & Economics, Dept of Business Administration, Umeå University, Umeå.

2001-2005: Associate professor (Docent), Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Creation, EFI, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm.

2005-2011: Associate professor (Universitetslektor), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Industrial Engineering & Management, Dept of Industrial Economics & Management, Stockholm.

2006-2007: Director of studies (Studierektor), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Industrial Engineering & Management, Dept of Industrial Economics & Management, Stockholm.

2011- : Professor of Industrial Economics & Management, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Industrial Engineering & Management, Dept of Industrial Economics & Management, Stockholm.

2014-2017: Head of Unit for Organisation and Management, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Industrial Engineering & Management, Dept of Industrial Economics & Management, Stockholm.

Other positions and assignments

2009- : Associate researcher, Global Operations Research Unit, Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, Bristol, UK.

2011-2015: Elected member of the Faculty Assembly, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

2012-2015: Associate editor for Scandinavian Journal of Management, published by Elsevier.

2015-2019: Appointed member of the Central Employment Committee, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

2019-: Appointed member of the university Appointments Board, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

Education & degrees

1978: Gymnasieexamen in Business Administration (Ekonomisk linje), Anderstorpsskolan, Skellefteå.

1983: Bachelor of Science in Education (Ämneslärare i samhällskunskap och företagsekonomi), Umeå University.

1996: PhD in Business Administration (Filosofie doktor i företagsekonomi), Umeå School of Business and Economics, Umeå University.

2001: Reader/docent in Business Administration (antagen som oavlönad docent i företagsekonomi), Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå University.

Research programs and projects (externally funded)

  1. 1989-1994: Individuella möjligheter till kompetensutveckling (Handelsbankens Forskningsstiftelser).
    Prerequisites for individual competence development. A study of the relations between individuals and organisations in the auditing and marketing industries. Commitment and organizational symbolism, narrative analysis and statistical analysis. PhD project (main supervisor: Professor Carin Holmquist, co-supervisor: Professor Rolf A. Lundin).
  2. 1996-1999: Den gränsöverskridande nutidsmänniskan (Rådet för Arbetslivsforskning samt Handelsbankens Forskningsstiftelser)
    The boundary-crossing individual. A study of managers who change organisation frequently and of the recruitment consultants propelling their movements across organizational boundaries. Narrative analysis, career theory and identity construction.
  3. 1998-2003: Forskning om kvinnors företagande, FEM-programmet (NUTEK samt Näringsdepartementet).
    Female entrepreneurship. A study of female entrepreneurs in the independent school sector. Narrative analysis, gender, entrepreneurship, identity construction, profession, life form analysis.
  4. 1999-2002: Projektmänniskan: En studie av individer med projekt som arbetsform och livsform (Rådet för Arbetslivsforskning samt Per och Eivor Wikströms Stiftelse).
    Project man: A study of individuals with projects as work form and life form. A study of project-working individuals in ICT consulting and theatrical performance on their work life characteristics. Narrative analysis, gender, work science, project management, discourse analysis, life form analysis.
  5. 2003-2005: Interaktivt entreprenörskap: Ett alternativt perspektiv. (Handelsbankens Forskningsstiftelser)
    Social construction of entrepreneurship. A study of the organising of entrepreneurial processes in the music industry and private theatres. Entrepreneurship theory, social constructionism, narrative analysis, gender, project management.
  6. 2006-2008: Ledarskap som en kollektiv process. (Handelsbankens Forskningsstiftelser)
    Leadership as a collective process. A study of leadership viewed as interaction processes in steel manufacturing, clean tech and biotech. Shared/distributed leadership, social constructionism, gender, project management.
  7. 2008-2014: Doing leadership: ledarskap som sociala interaktionsprocesser (VINNOVA)
    Doing leadership: leadership as processes of social interaction (see no 6)
  8. 2009-2011: Quadruple Helix Central Baltic (European Regional Development Fund and Tillväxtverket)
    A practical project aiming at supporting female tourism entrepreneurs in three countries in business development and cluster formation through ICT development. Based on an extended triple helix framework. Gender, ICT implementation, entrepreneurship.
  9. 2009-2011: Making Projects Critical (Handelsbankens Forskningsstiftelser
    An intensification of a long-time collaboration with Bristol Business School and Manchester Business School on critical perspectives on project management and project-based operations. Critical management theory, project management, discourse analysis, gender, complexity theory.
  10. 2013-2016: Leadership cultures in transition: Leadership practices and discourses in health care (AFA Försäkring). Research project on leadership work, professional cultures and organisational change in Swedish health care.
  11. 2016-2020: Performance-based governance in Academia: Professional practices and identities in transformation”. In the programme, fundamental mechanisms determining how core professional practices in academia are studied, and how they are affected by the introduction of organisational level systems for performance-based allocation of funding. With academic staff employed at research-intensive Swedish higher education institutions in focus, we study the identity construction of academics in relation to ”economistic” forms of organizational governance, and how these interdependent processes affect the behaviour of individuals. Funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
  12. 2021-2027: Men in focus: Exploring homosocial cultures in organizations and developing methods to prevent sexual harassment. Sexual harassment in organizatons (SH) remains a widespread and serious problem. Taken together, SH has negative consequences for organizations such as absenteeism, higher levels of turnover and reduced labor productivity. SH appears to be more common in organizational contexts that are characterized by male dominance. By focusing on men, masculinities and homosociality in relation to aspects of organizational cultures that enable men to exercise violence in order to maintain control in organizations, and by developing measures and methods for counteracting SH through organizational development, the program contributes to current research frontiers as well as to the development of new practices in organizational change management. Funded by FORTE.

List of publications

Journal articles (peer-reviewed journals)

Lindgren, M. & Wåhlin, N. (2001). ”Identity construction among boundary-crossing individuals.” Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol 17, pp. 357-377.

Lindgren, M. (2001). ”Kvinnliga entreprenörer i friskolan: Om entreprenörskap och profession i skapandet av identitet.” Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier, Vol 3, No 1: pp. 32-64.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2006) ”What’s new in new forms of organizing? -On the construction of gender in project-based work.” Journal of Management Studies. Vol 43, No 4: pp. 841-866.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2007) ”Performing arts and the art of performing -On co-construction of project work and professional identities in theatres.” International Journal of Project Management,, Vol 25: pp. 354-364.

Crevani, L., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2007) ”Shared leadership: A post-heroic perspective on leadership as a collective construction.” International Journal of Leadership Studies, Vol 3, No 1: pp. 40-67.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2009) “Social constructionism and entrepreneurship: Basic assumptions and consequences for theory and research.” International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Vol 15, No 1: pp. 25-47.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2009) “Project leadership revisited: Towards distributed leadership perspectives in project research”. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, Vol 1, No 3: pp. 285-308.

Cicmil, S., Hodgson, D., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2009) ”Project management behind the facade.” ephemera: theory & politics in organization, Vol 9, No 2: pp. 78-92.

Crevani, L., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2010) ”Leadership, not leaders: On the study of leadership as practices and interactions”. Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol 26, No 1: pp. 77-86.

Lindgren, M., Packendorff, J. & Tham, H. (2011) ”Relational dysfunctionality: Leadership interactions in a Sarbanes-Oxley Act implementation project”. European Journal of International Management, Vol 5, No 1: pp. 13-29.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2011) ”On the temporary organizing of entrepreneurial processes: Applying a project metaphor to the study of entrepreneurship”. Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat, Vol 10, No 2: pp. 45-67.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2011) ”Issues, responsibilities and identities: A distributed leadership perspective on biotechnology R&D management”. Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol 20, No 3: pp. 157-170.

Lindberg, M., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2014) ”Quadruple Helix as a way to bridge the gender gap in entrepreneurship? A case study of an innovation system project in the Baltic Sea region”. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Vol 5, No 1: pp. 94-113.

Packendorff, J. & Lindgren, M. (2014) ”Projectification and its consequences: Narrow and broad conceptualisations”. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, Vol 17, No 1: pp. 7-21.

Lindgren, M., Packendorff, J & Sergi, V. (2014) ”Thrilled by the discourse, suffering through the experience: Emotions in project-based work”. Human Relations, Vol 67, No 11: pp. 1383-1412.

Packendorff, J., Crevani, L. & Lindgren, M. (2014) ”Project leadership in becoming: A process study of an organizational change project”. Project Management Journal, Vol 45, No 3: pp. 5-20.

Styhre, A., Coupland, C., Fougère, M., Lindgren, M., Pettersen, I. J., Skålén, P. & Thanning Vendelø, M. (2014) ”On (Scandinavian) management studies: What works, what doesn’t, and what can we do better?” Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol 30, No 4: pp. 461-469.

Crevani, L., Ekman, M., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2015) ”Leadership cultures and discursive hybridisation: On the cultural production of leadership in higher education reforms”. International Journal of Public Leadership, Vol 11, No 3/4: pp. 147-165.

Berglund, K., Gaddefors, J. & Lindgren, M. (2016) ”Provoking identities: Entrepreneurship and emerging identity positions in rural development”. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Vol 28, No 1-2: pp. 76-96.

Hodgson, D., Lindgren, M., Packendorff, J. & Cicmil, S. (2016) ”The politics of projects in technology-intensive work”. New Technology, Work and Employment, Vol 31, No 1: pp 1-3.

Cicmil, S., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2016) ”The project (management) discourse and its consequences: On vulnerability and un-sustainability in project-based work”. New Technology, Work and Employment, Vol 31, No 1: pp. 58-76.

Berglund, K., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2017) ”Responsibilising the next generation: Fostering the enterprising self through de-mobilising gender”. Organization, Vol 34, No 6: pp. 892-915.

Ekman, M., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2018) ”Universities need leadership, academics need management : Discursive tensions and voids in the deregulation of Swedish higher-education legislation”. Higher Education, Vol 75, No 2: pp. 299-321.

Berglund, K., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2020) ”The worthy human being as prosuming subject: ’Projectified selves’ in emancipatory project studies. Project Management Journal Vol 51, No 4: pp. 367-377.

Lokatt, E., Holgersson, C., Lindgren, M., Packendorff, J. & Hagander, L. (2023) ”An interprofessional perspective on healthcare work: Physicians and nurses co-constructing identities and spaces of action”. Journal of Management & Organization, Vol 29, No 6: pp. 1103-1119.

Broström, A., Ekman, M., Geschwind, L., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2024) ”Negotiating meritocracy and gender equality across organisational spaces: the case of a tenure track system”. Higher Education (e-pub ahead of print).

Journal articles (other journals)

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2005) ”Hultsfredsfestivalen: Så osannolik att den inte borde finnas.” Social Ekonomi, No 4.2004-1.2005: pp. 12-16.

Book chapters

Lindgren, M. (1999) ”Arbete, anställningsformer och organisering: En kritisk granskning av relationen individ-organisation i det moderna arbetslivet.” In Individen och arbetslivet: Perspektiv på det samtida arbetslivet kring sekelskiftet 2000: pp. 81-103. SOU 1999:69. Stockholm: Fakta Info Direkt.

Lindgren, M. (2002) ”Kvinnor och friskolor: Kvinnliga entreprenörer och nya livsformer.” In C. Holmquist & E. Sundin (eds.) Företagerskan: Om kvinnor och entreprenörskap.Stockholm: SNS.

Lindgren, M. & Wåhlin, N. (2003) ”Diversity and Reflexive Identity Construction”. In S. Leijon, R. Lillhannus & G. Widell (eds.) Reflecting Diversity – Viewpoints from Scandinavia. BAS Publishers. Göteborg.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2003) ”A project-based view of entrepreneurship: Towards action-orientation, seriality and collectivity.” In C. Steyaert & D. Hjorth (eds.) New Movements in Entrepreneurship: pp. 86-102. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2006) ”Projects and prisons ”. In: D. Hodgson & S. Cicmil (eds.) Making Projects Critical: pp. 111-131. London: Palgrave.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2006) ”Entrepreneurship as boundary work: Deviating from and belonging to community.” In: C. Steyaert & D. Hjorth (eds.) Entrepreneurship as Social Change: 210-230. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2007) ”Senmodern nyföretagsekonomi: Entreprenörskap som social konstruktion.” In: D. Kärreman & A. Rehn (eds.) Organisation: Teorier om ordning och oordning: pp. 195-211. Malmö: Liber.

Crevani, L., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2007) ”Leadership virtues and management knowledge: Questioning the unitary command perspective in leadership research.” In: M-L. Djelic & R. Vranceanu (eds.) Moral Foundations of Management Knowledge: pp. 159-177. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2008) ”Woman, teacher, entrepreneur: On identity construction in female entrepreneurs of Swedish independent schools.” In: I. Aaltio, P. Kyrö & E. Sundin (eds.) Women Entrepreneurship and Social Capital: A Dialogue and Construction: pp. 193-223. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2008) “Från projektarbete till projektintensivt arbete: Människan och projektarbetets institutionalisering.” In: T. Stjernberg, J. Söderlund & E. Wikström (eds.) Projektliv: Villkor för uthållig projektverksamhet: pp. 33-58. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Lindgren, M. (2008) ”Maskulint, feminint, entreprenöriellt – könsstämpling av branscher och professioner.” In P. Larsson, U. Göranson & M. Lagerholm (eds.) Sesam, öppna dig! Forskarperspektiv på kvinnors företagande: pp. 53-65. VR 2008:20. Stockholm: VINNOVA.

Lindgren, M. (2009) ”Gränsöverskridande entreprenörskapsforskning: Entreprenörskap som projekt, process och emancipation.” In C. Holmquist (ed.) Entreprenörskap på riktigt. Teoretiska och praktiska perspektiv: pp. 215-232. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Lindgren, M. (2011) ”Projektbaserat arbete ur ett livsformsperspektiv”. In Bonniers Ledarskapshandböcker, Projektledning, Update 3/2011, Chapter 5.4: pp. 1-38. Stockholm: Bonnier Business Publishing.

Crevani, L., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2013) ”Ledarskap bortom idén om den ensamme hjälten”. In M. Kreuger, L. Crevani & K. Larsen (eds.) Leda mot det nya: En forskningsantologi om chefskap och innovation, pp. 43-60. Stockholm: Vinnova.

Crevani, L., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2013) ”Ledarskapsarbete skapar utveckling och innovation”. In M. Kreuger, L. Crevani & K. Larsen (eds.) Leda mot det nya: En forskningsantologi om chefskap och innovation, pp. 61-72. Stockholm: Vinnova.

Ekman, M., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2020) ”Omgiven av instrumentalister: Har det akademiska medborgarskapet gått förlorat?” In M. Alvesson & S. Sveningsson (eds.) Ledning och (sned-)styrning i högskolan, pp.. 187-217. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2021) ”Mätning: Prestationsmätning och tillitskulturer.” In L. Bringselius (ed.) Tillit och omdöme: Perspektiv på tillitsbaserad styrning, pp. 229-253. Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Lindgren, M. (1996) Möjligheter till kompetensutveckling -Ett individperspektiv på relationen människa-organisation. En studie av individer i reklam- och revisionsföretag. (PhD diss.). Umeå Universitet: Studier i Företagsekonomi B 36.

Lindgren, M. (2000) Kvinnor i friskolor: Om kön, entreprenörskap och profession i identitetsskapandet. Örebro: Forum för Småföretagsforskning.

Lindgren, M., Packendorff, J. & Wåhlin, N. (2001) Resa genom arbetslivet: Om människors organisationsbyten och identitetsskapande . Lund: Academia Adacta.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2007) Konstruktion av entreprenörskap: Teori, praktik och interaktion. Örebro: Forum för Småföretagsforskning.

Broström, A., Ekman, M., Geschwind, L., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2021) Prestationsbaserad styrning i akademin: Instrumentalisering i tidsanvändning, identitet och professionalitet. Stockholm: Makadam Förlag.


Hodgson, D., Lindgren, M., Packendorff, J. & Cicmil, S. (eds.) (2016) ’The politics of projects in technology-intensive work’. Special issue of New Technology, Work and Employment, Vol 31, No 1.

Cicmil, S., Hodgson, D., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (eds.) (2009) ’Project management behind the facade’. Special issue of ephemera: theory & politics in organization, Vol 9, No 2.

Case, P., Cicmil, S., Hodgson, D., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (eds.) (2010) Proceedings of the 5th Making Projects Critical workshop. Bristol: University of the West of England.

Conference papers

Lindgren-Öberg, Monica (1992) ’Individual Development of Competence; Prerequisite for Organizational Development’ . In Lemmink, J. & Kunst, P.(eds.) Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Quality Management in Services, Maastricht, May 6, 1992, pp. 153-166.

Lindgren-Öberg, Monica (1992) Methodological reflections in research. Paper presented at the EIASM Conference ’Methods in Qualitative Research in Management’, Kemijärvi, Finland, August 23-29.

Lindgren-Öberg, Monica (1992) The Process of Interaction between Individual and Organization. Paper presented at the EIASM Conference ’Methods in Qualitative Research in Management’, Kemijärvi, Finland, August 23-29.

Lindgren, Monica (1995) ’Kompetensutveckling i kunskapsföretag: Individen i fokus.’ I: J. K. Christiansen et al (red.) Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Conference on Business Studies, August 14-16, 1995, Copenhagen, Denmark: pp. 795-806.

Lindgren, Monica (1996) ’Modern Individuals Crossing Organizational Boundaries: An Individual Perspective on Identity Creation in Changing Organizational Environments.’ I: G. Garel & C. Midler (eds.) Proceedings of the IRNOP Conference on Aspects of Society and Business Organized by Project, June 27-29, 1996, Paris, France: pp. 22-28.

Lindgren, Monica & Wåhlin, Nils (1997) ’Organizations Meeting Modern Individuals: A Need for Understanding Identity Creation among Boundary-Crossing Individuals.’ Paper for the14th Nordic Conference on Business Studies, August 14-17, 1997, Bodö, Norway: pp. 405-408.

Lindgren, Monica & Wåhlin, Nils (1997) ’Modern Individuals Crossing Organizational Boundaries: Latent Identity Creation as a Reflexive Process.’ Paper for the conference Organizing in a Multi-Voiced World: Social Construction, Innovation and Organizational Change, June 4-6, 1997, Leuven, Belgium.

Lindgren, Monica & Packendorff, Johann (1997) ’Work as Project, Project as Work: An Individual Perspective on the ’Temporarization’ of Work Life.’ Paper for the 14th Nordic Conference on BusinessStudies, August 14-17, 1997, Bodö, Norway: pp. 375-378.

Lindgren, Monica; Packendorff, Johann & Wåhlin, Nils (1998) Studying the Reflexively Constructed Identity: A Narrative View on Individuals in Organizations . Paper presented at SCANCOR Conference ’Samples of the Future’, September 20-22, Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA.

Lindgren, Monica & Packendorff, Johann (1999) ’Projektarbete som genuskonstruktion: En kritisk analys av projektteori och projektpraktik.’ Paper for the 15th Nordic Conference on Business Studies , August 19-21, 1999, Helsinki, Finland: p. 62.

Holmquist, Carin & Lindgren, Monica (1999) ’Dikotomiseringar inom företagsekonomisk forskning – Går de att överbrygga?’ Paper for the15th Nordic Conference on Business Studies, August 19-21, 1999,Helsinki, Finland: pp. 44-45.

Lindgren, Monica & Packendorff, Johann (2000) ’Living by projects: A gender perspective on international project management’. Paper for the 11th AGRH conference ’Internationalising Human Resources Management?’ in Paris, France, November 16-17, 2000, published in CD-ROM proceedings.

Lindgren, Monica & Packendorff, Johann (2001) ’What’s New in New Organisational Forms? -On the Construction of Gender in Project-based Work.’ Paper for the Gender, Work & Organization Conference ”Rethinking Gender, Work & Organization”, June 27-29, 2001, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK.

Lindgren, Monica & Packendorff, Johann (2001) ’Projektarbete och projektliv: En genusanalys av projektarbetande individer.’ Paper for the 16th Nordic Conference on Business Studies, August 16-18, 2001, Uppsala, Sweden.

Holmquist, Carin & Lindgren, Monica (2001) ’Hur bedriver forskare forskning: Om perspektiv, identitet och metod.’ Paper for the 16th Nordic Conference on Business Studies, August 16-18, 2001, Uppsala, Sweden.

Lindgren, Monica & Packendorff, Johann (2002) ’Interactive Entrepreneurship: On the Study of Innovative Social Processes.’ Paper for the 2nd annual conference of the European Academy of Management, May 9-11, 2002, Stockholm, Sweden.

Holmquist, Carin & Lindgren, Monica (2002) ’Why Opposites Attract – On the Problems of Dichotomisation in Research.’ Paper for the Academy of Management annual meeting, August 11-14, 2002, Denver, Colorado, USA.

Lindgren, Monica & Packendorff, Johann (2003) ’Deconstructing Projects: Towards Critical Perspectives on Project Theory and Projecticised Society.’ Paper presented as keynote speech to the workshop ’Making Projects Critical: A Crisis of Instrumental Rationality?’, April 10-11, 2003, Bristol Business School, Bristol, UK.

Lindgren, Monica & Packendorff, Johann (2003) ’Deconstructing project prisons: Towards critical perspectives on project theory and projecticised society.’ Paper for the 17th Nordic conference on business studies, Aug 14-16, Reykavik, Iceland.

Lindgren, Monica & Packendorff, Johann (2004) ’Interactive entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial processes from a social constructionist perspective.’ Paper for the 4th annual conference of the European Academy of Management, May 6-8, 2004, St Andrews, Scotland.

Lindgren, Monica & Packendorff, Johann (2004) ’Woman, Teacher, Entrepreneur: On identity construction in female entrepreneurs of Swedish independent schools.’ Paper for the EIASM workshop on Female managers, entrepreneurs and the social capital of the firm, Nov 17-19, Brussels, Belgium.

Lindgren, Monica & Packendorff, Johann (2004) ’What happens when you label something a project? On co-construction of project work and professional identities in theatres.’ Paper for the the 2nd Workshop on Making Projects Critical: ’Projectification’ and its Discontents’, Dec 13-14, 2004, Bristol, UK.

Lindgren, Monica & Packendorff, Johann (2005) ’Entrepreneurship as a way to unlock hierarchical organizing? On the construction of power in collective entrepreneurial processes.’ Paper for the 21st EGOS Colloquium on Unlocking Organizations, Jun 30-Jul2, 2005, Berlin, Germany.

Lindgren, Monica & Packendorff, Johann (2005) ’Entrepreneurship and power: Applying power perspectives in the analysis of collective entrepreneurial processes.’ Paper for the 18th Scandinavian Academy of Management Meeting, Aug 17-20, Aarhus, Denmark.

Gillberg, N, Holgersson, C, Hvenmark, J, Höök, P & Lindgren, M (2005) Tempered Radicals under Attack – Faculty’s Experiences of Encouraging Critical Reflection in Business School Education. Paper submitted to 4th International Critical Management Studies Conference, 4-6 July 2005, Cambridge University, UK.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2006) ’Caught in the act? On co-construction of project work and professional identities in theatres.’ Paper for the the EURAM annual conference, Oslo, Norway.

Crevani, L., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2006) ’Towards sustainable management: On collective constructions of leadership.’ Paper for the EIASM workshop on Moral Foundations of Management Knowledge, Oct 13-14, Cergy-Pontoise, France.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2007) ‘Project leadership revisited: A post-heroic perspective and research agenda.’ Paper for the 19th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Aug 9-11, Bergen, Norway.

Berglund, K. & Lindgren, M. (2007) ‘The entrepreneur as productive, un-productive and constructive.’ Paper for the 19th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Aug 9-11, Bergen, Norway.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2007) ‘Project leadership revisited: A critique and notes toward a post-heroic perspective.’ Paper for the 8th INROP Conference, Sept 19-21, Brighton, UK.

Crevani, L., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2008) ’Leadership as a collective construction: Re-conceptualizing leadership in knowledge-intensive firms.’ Paper for the 24th EGOS colloquium, July 10-12, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2009) ‘Love, hate and projects: On passion, obsession and depression in project-based work’. Paper for the 25th EGOS colloquium, July 2-4, Barcelona, Spain.

Crevani, L., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2009) ’’We don’t need another hero’ – Towards the study of leadership as everyday practices’. Paper for the 20th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Aug 19-21, Åbo, Finland.

Berglund, K. & Lindgren, M. (2009) ‘Practicing otherness: Recapturing space of action through identity construction processes’. Paper for the 20th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Aug 19-21, Åbo, Finland.

Sölvell, I., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2009) ’New business as usual: Formalization in entrepreneurial ventures’. Paper for the 20th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Aug 19-21, Åbo, Finland.

Crevani, L., Hallin, A. & Lindgren, M. (2010) ’Entrepreneurship, gender and profession – A research agenda’. Paper for the 10th European Academy of Management annual conference, May 19-22, Rome, Italy.

Cicmil, S. & Lindgren, M. (2010) ‘Can a ‘projectified’ society be a ‘sustainable’ society: A juncture of two logics or a contradiction in terms?’ Invited presentation to the Happy Projects’10 Conference, May 27-28, Vienna, Austria.

Ekman, M., Lindgren, M., Packendorff, J. & Vänje, A. (2010) ’Leadership as panacea in the quest for the autonomous university? A discursive analysis of notions of leadership in the deregulation of the Swedish university legislation’. Paper for the 9th International Studying Leadership Conference, Dec 13-14, Lund, Sweden.

Lindberg, M., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2011) ”The role of NGO’s in supporting women’s entrepreneurship: A study of Quadruple Helix innovation systems in the Baltic sea region”. Paper for the 7th Critical Management Studies Conference, Naples, Italy.

Lindberg, M., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2011) ”Bridging the gender gap in entrepreneurship: A study of a Quadruple helix innovation system project in the Baltic Sea region”. Paper for the 1st International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs, Nov 3-4, 2011, Caen, France.

Berglund, K., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2012) ”Fostering the enterprising self: Gendered notions of entrepreneurship in Swedish school education”. Paper for the Gender, Work & Organization 7th Biennial Interdisciplinary Conference, June 27-29, 2012, Keele, UK.

Crevani, L., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2012) ”Articulating the performativity of leadership: Opening up for re-constructing leadership in order to change its practice”. Presented at the Showcase seminar on Critical approaches to leadership learning and development, the 2012 Annual Academy of Management Meeting, 4-7 August, 2012, Boston, USA.

Crevani, L., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2013) ”Towards process studies of project leadership”. Paper presented at the 11th IRNOP Conference, June 16-18, 2013, Oslo, Norway.

Crevani, L., Ekman, M., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2013) ”Leadership cultures in transition: On the cultural construction of leadership in university change processes”. Paper presented at the 29th EGOS Colloquium, July 4-6, 2013, Montréal, Canada.

Cicmil, S., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2014) ”Vulnerable projectification”. Paper presented at the 7th Making Projects Critical workshop, January 23-24, 2014, Stockholm, Sweden.

Lokatt, E., Lindgren, M., Packendorff, J., Holgersson, C. & Hagander, L. (2014) ”Physicians, nurses and leadership work: A study of managerialism and leaderism in the reconstruction of professionalism in Swedish health care”. Paper presented at the 30th EGOS Colloquium, July 3-5, 2014, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Lokatt, E., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2015) ”Sharing is caring: Investigating inter-professional negotiation within the health care organization”. Paper presented at the 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, August 12-14, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2016) ”Projects as a mode of justification: On the discursive fabric of projectification”. Presentation to the Symposium on Projectification of the Public Sector, April 13-14, Malmö, Sweden.

Ekman, M., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2016) ”Fragmented meritocratisation: On mobilisation and demobilisation of gender in higher education”. Paper presented at the 76th Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA.

Berglund, K., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2018) Consumption of entrepreneurs, consumption of entrepreneurship: Bloggers, influencers and socialites in a post-feminist economy. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender, Work and Organisation, June 13-16, Sydney, Australia.

Ekman, M., Holgersson, C., Lindgren, M., Packendorff, J. & Wahl, A. (2018) ”Gendered recognition practices and the perpetuation of vulnerability: A study in Swedish universities”. Paper presented at the 10th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender, Work and Organisation, June 13-16, Sydney, Australia.

Berglund, K., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2019) ”Re-theorising projectified selves in social media: Prosumption, postfeminism and class-as-achievement”. Paper presented at the 9th Making Projects Critical Workshop, January 17-18, 2019, Västerås, Sweden.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2019) ”Leadership work among senior faculty in Swedish universities: Reinforcing administrative control, redefining collegiality.” Paper presented at the 18th International Studying Leadership Conference, December 15-17, Bristol, UK.

Working papers and research reports

Hedström, Kjell & Lindgren-Öberg, Monica (1989) En probleminventering i reklamföretag. Umeå Universitet, Inst för Företagsekonomi.

Lindgren, Monica & Wåhlin, Nils (1998) Den gränsöverskridande nutidsmänniskan: Om organisationsbyten och identitetsskapande. FE-Publikationer 1998: Nr 157. Umeå: Handelshögskolan vid Umeå Universitet.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2001) Work, Life and Gender: A Study of Project-Working Individuals in Two French Companies . FE-publikationer 2001:165. Umeå: Umeå School of Business & Economics.

Lindberg, M., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2010) The role of NGOs in supporting women’s entrepreneurship: A study of a Quadruple Helix project in the Baltic sea region. Quadruple Helix reports 2010:4. Norrtälje: Quadruple Helix Central Baltic.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2010) The gender and entrepreneurship gap in Estonia, Finland and Sweden. Quadruple Helix reports 2010:5. Norrtälje: Quadruple Helix Central Baltic.

Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2010) A framework for the integration of a gender perspective in cross-border entrepreneurship and cluster promotion programmes. Quadruple Helix reports 2010:6. Norrtälje: Quadruple Helix Central Baltic.

Lindberg, M., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2011) Bridging the gender gap in entrepreneurship through NGOs: A study of a Quadruple Helix innovation system project in the Baltic Sea region. Quadruple Helix reports 2011:2. Norrtälje: Quadruple Helix Central Baltic.

Research-related assignments


  • Member of Scientific Forum, Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum.
  • Member of EGOS (the European Standing Group for Organizational Research)
  • Member of EURAM (the European Academy of Management)
  • Member of the Gender Network at KTH
  • Member of CeBite (Center for Research on Business Innovation and Technology-based Entrepreneurship) at KTH.
  • Member of ASAP (Advanced Studies of Projects and Project-based Organisations) at KTH.

Assignments for research periodicals

  • 2002-2004: Co-editor of the journal Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, published by the Swedish Work Life Institute (Arbetslivsinstitutet).
  • 2007-2014: Member of the editorial board of International Journal of Project Organization and Management, including reviewer service.
  • 2010-2014: Member of the editorial board of Journal of Family Business Management.
  • 2012-2015: Associate editor, Scandinavian Journal of Management.
  • 2015- : Member of the editorial board of Scandinavian Journal of Management.
  • 2021- : Member of the editorial board of Journal of Change Management.
  • Reviewer service for Journal of Management Studies
  • Reviewer service for Scandinavian Journal of Management
  • Reviewer service for Human Relations
  • Reviewer service for Construction Management and Economics
  • Reviewer service for International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research.
  • Reviewer service for Journal of Small Business Management
  • Reviewer service for ephemera: theory & politics in organization
  • Reviewer service for Creativity and Innovation Management
  • Reviewer service for several edited volumes and conference tracks

Assignments as public examiner/opponent

  • 2001: Member of Grading committee (betygsnämndsledamot) on a PhD-dissertation at Umeå University, Dept of Sociology.
  • 2003: Faculty opponent on a PhD-dissertation in Business Administration/Entrepreneurship (fakultetsopponent vid doktorsdisputation), Göteborg University, School of Economics and Commercial Law.
  • 2004: Member of Grading committee (betygsnämndsledamot) on a PhD-dissertation in Business Administration at Umeå School of Business and Economics, Dept of Business Administration.
  • 2010: Member of Grading committee (betygsnämndsledamot) on a PhD-dissertation in Political Science at Gothenburg University, School of Public Administration.
  • 2010: Faculty opponent on a PhD dissertation in Business Administraton, Hanken School of Economics, Finland.
  • 2012: Member of Grading committee (betygsnämndsledamot) on a PhD-dissertation in Industrial Management at Blekinge University of Technology.
  • 2013: Faculty opponent on a licentiate dissertation in Business Administration, Stockholm School of Economics.
  • 2016: Member of Grading committee (betygsnämndsledamot) on a PhD-dissertation in Media and Communication Science at Mid Sweden University.
  • 2016: Member of Grading committee (betygsnämndsledamot) on a PhD-dissertation in Business Administration at Stockholm University.
  • 2017: Member of Grading committee (betygsnämndsledamot) on a PhD-dissertation in Business Administration at Stockholm School of Economics.

Assignments as external expert evaluator

  • 2002: External evaluator for senior lecturer position in Business Administration (sakkunnig granskare), Blekinge Institute of Technology.
  • 2003: External evaluator for senior lecturer position in Business Administration, especially Organisation/Management (sakkunnig granskare), Gothenburg University, School of Economics & Commercial Law.
  • 2003: External evaluator for senior lecturer position in Business Administration, especially Human resource management (sakkunnig granskare), Gothenburg University, School of Economics & Commercial Law. The evaluation included an evaluation for promotion to full professor.
  • 2009: External evaluator for senior lecturer position in Business Administration, especially Entrepreneurship (sakkunnig granskare), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
  • 2010: External evaluator for senior lecturer position in Business Administration, especially Organisation/Management (sakkunnig granskare). Gothenburg University, School of Economics & Commercial Law.
  • 2012: External evaluator for senior lecturer position in Business Administration, especially Entrepreneurship and Organization (sakkunnig granskare), Linköping University.
  • 2013: External evaluator for a docent promotion application, Gothenburg School of Economics and Commercial Law.
  • 2013: External evaluator for senior lecturer position in Business Administration, especially Organisation & Leadership (sakkunnig granskare), Linneaus University.
  • 2014: External evaluator for associate professor position in Business Administration (sakkunnig granskare), Skövde University.
  • 2014: External evaluator for a full professor promotion application, Manchester Business School, UK.
  • 2018: External evaluator for senior lecturer position in Industrial Economics and Management (sakkunnig granskare), Uppsala University.
  • 2019: External evaluator for conferment for the title of docent in Industrial Economics and Management (sakkunnig granskare), Uppsala University.
  • 2021: External evaluator for an assistant professor position in Industrial Economics and Management (sakkunnig granskare), Uppsala University.
  • 2021: External evaluator for an associate professor position in Industrial Economics and Management (sakkunnig granskare), Uppsala University.
  • 2021: External reviewer of grant applications (utvärderare av forskningsansökningar), KK-Stiftelsen, Stockholm.
  • 2024: External evaluator for an associate professor position in Industrial Economics and Management (sakkunnig granskare), Linköping University.

PhD supervision

  • Former supervisor of Dr Thomas Lennerfors, Dr Lucia Crevani, Dr Annika Skoglund, Dr Fredrik Markgren, Dr Ruth Brännvall, Dr Britta Nordin Forsberg, Dr Camilla Rundberg, Dr Aziza Al-Ghafri.

Awards, conference organisation etc.

  • 1995-1996: Responsible for the higher seminar in business administration at Umeå School of Business & Economics.
  • 2003: Co-organizer of an entrepreneurship track at the 17h Nordic conference of business studies, Reykavik, Iceland.
  • 2004-2005: Responsible for the higher seminar in entrepreneurship and business creation at the Stockholm School of Economics.
  • 2006: Co-arranger of the 3rd EIASM workshop on Making Projects Critical, Manchester, UK.
  • 2008: Co-arranger of the 4th EIASM workshop on Making Projects Critical, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • 2010: Co-arranger of the 5th Making Projects Critical workshop, Bristol, UK.
  • 2010 : Receiver of the Emerald Literati Network Highly Commended Award.
  • 2011: Co-convenor on a critical project studies stream at the 7th Critical Management Studies conference, Naples, Italy.
  • 2011: Co-convenor of a stream on entrepreneurship and project management at the 1st International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs, Caen, France.
  • 2012: Co-organizer of the 6th Making Projects Critical workshop, Manchester Business School, UK.
  • 2012: Co-arranger of a showcase symposion on critical approaches to leadership learning and development at the 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, USA.
  • 2014: Co-organizer of the 7th Making Projects Critical workshop, January 23-24, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • 2016: Co-organizer of the 8th Making Projects Critical workshop, January 21-22, Newcastle University Business School, UK.
  • 2017: Receiver of the PMI Research Achievement Award.


My total teaching effort at university level can be described as follows, sorted along the three universities where I have worked. In parenthesis I have indicated what responsibilities had had for each course.

Umeå University, Umeå School of Business & Economics (1987-2001)

Basic course in accounting, A-level. (Introductory course for students not familiar with accounting and bookkeeping, implied bookkeeping exercises and construction of an annual report. Full responsibility for course development and course realization. Student volume: 120). 1987-1992.

Introductory course in BusinessAdministration, A-level. (Overview of all areas in business administration, intended for new students. Full responsibility for course development and course realization. Student volume: 100). 1987-1991.

Management accounting, B-level. (General course in accounting and appraisals, mandatory for all students of business administration. Full responsibility for course development and course realization. Student volume: 120). 1989-1992.

Organisation and leadership in the firm, B-level. (General course in organizational theory and behaviour, mandatory for all students of business administration. Full responsibility for course realization. Student volume: 100) 1992-1994.

Management, A/B-level (Replaced the previous course. Full responsibility for course development and course realization. Student volume: 100). 1994-

Research methodology, B-level. (Mandatory course for all students of business administration, focusing on research philosophy, research methodology and academic writing. Full responsibility for course development and course realization. Student volume: 120). 1993-

Advanced accounting and auditing, C-level. (Advanced optional course for students majoring in accounting and auditing. Regulations of external accounting and auditing, group accounting, international accounting. Full responsibility for course development and course realization. Student volume: 60). 1998-1991.

Accounting in theory and practice, C-level. (Advanced optional course for students majoring in accounting and auditing. Accounting history, accounting philosophy, regulations and law, the auditing profession. Full responsibility for course development and course realization. Student volume: 60). 1988-1991.

New perspectives in management, C/D-level. (Advanced optional course for students majoring in management and leadership. It was developed for the new advanced programme in management and leadership that became the second most popular advanced optional programme at USBE. Implied a focus on modern and post-modern research approaches on organizations, as well as contemporary models for organizational design and development. The course was given in English. Full responsibility for course development and course realization. Student volume: 50). 1995-1999.

Tutorship for more than 100 C- and D-theses (bachelor and master theses).

Course in gender theory for PhD-students. (The course was given in English. Full responsibility for course development and course realization)

Course in entrepreneurship theory for PhD-students. (The course was given in English. Full responsibility for course development and course realization)

Stockholm School of Economics, Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Creation (2001-2005)

Enterprise management, A/B-level. (Mandatory half-year course for all students, focused on organization theory, management, leadership and entrepreneurship in a broad sense. I had course responsibility for one of the three modules and led a teacher team of five teachers that developed and realized the course. Student volume: 270). 2002-2003.

Entrepreneurship, B-level (Basic course in entrepreneurship theory and practice, optional for business administration students. I participated as teacher and seminar leader with co-responsibility for the course. Student volume: 30). 2002-2004

Entrepreneurship, C-level (Advanced optional course in management of growing young firms, arranged by Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship. The course was given in English. I participated as teacher and seminar leader. Student volume: 70). 2003-2005.

Human Resource Management, C-level. (Advanced optional course in HRM theory, practice and strategy. I participated as teacher and seminar leader. Student volume: 30)2003-2004

Tutorship for about 10 master theses

Course in qualitative methods for PhD-students. (The course was given in English)

KTH – Royal Institute of Technology, School of Industrial Engineering & Management (2005-)

Research methodology, 4D1303, D-level, 2005-

4D1023, Basic course in industrial economics and management, A-level, 2005.

4D1522, Planning – Developing a venture, C-level, 2005

ME2304, Ekonomi och ledarskap i teknikintensiva företag, 2007-2015.

ME2500, Science, technology and society, 2008-2013.

ME2062, Technology-based entrepreneurship, 2011-2013.

ME1306, Industrial project management, 2011-2023.

ME2084, Organizational analysis and professional roles, 2018-.

ME1010, Organization and knowledge-intensive work, 2024-.

Tutorship, seminar leadership and examiner for several master theses 2005-.

Course in international academic publishing for PhD students, 2006-2007.

Course on Theoretical perspectives on projects and temporary organizations for PhD students, 2007.

Guest lecturer on a KTH-wide course in Research Supervision, hosted by KTH Learning Lab, 2011.

Responsible for the mandatory PhD course in Qualitative Research Methodology at Indek, 2011-2014.

Guest lecturer/teacher at the following institutions:

  • Kvinnofolkhögskolan, Gothenburg.
  • Vindelns folkhögskola, Vindeln
  • Université Aix-Marseille III, Aix-en-Provence, France.
  • Shandong Economic University, Ji’nan, China,
  • University of the West of England, Bristol, UK.
  • Manchester Business School, UK.

Pedagogical training:

Bachelor of Science in Education (Ämneslärare i samhällskunskap och företagsekonomi), Umeå University, 1983.

Doctoral supervision, LH207V, KTH School of Education and Communication in Engineering Science, 2010.

External assignments

Over the years, I have had several external assignments linked to my scientific and pedagogical work. What characterises most of these assignments is that I try to link research and practice to each other, which is beneficial in both directions. Practitioners do have a lot to learn from academic research, at the same time as their experiences are most relevant to students. This is especially important in a field like industrial economics & management. As examples of this kind of work, I would like to mention the following:

· 1997: Kvinnofolkhögskolan, Gothenburg. Guest lecturer on female entrepreneurship.

· 1998: Föreningssparbanken, Stockholm. Development of a new financial service.

· 1998: Vindelns folkhögskola, Vindeln. Guest lecturer on female entrepreneurship.

· 1999: Försäkringsbranschens Arbetsgivareorganisation, Stockholm. Seminar leader on a salary negotiation conference.

· 1999-2002: National Development Agency, NUTEK, Stockholm: Recurrent guest lecturer on conferences on entrepreneurship.

· 2001: Friskolornas Riksförbund, Stockholm. Guest lecturer on entrepreneurship in independent schools.

· 2001-2005: Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm: Recurrent lecturer and seminar leader in external conferences, roundtable discussions etc

· 2001-2002: Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm: Member of a management team that set up a business incubator, SSE Business Lab, at the school in collaboration with Teknikbrostiftelsen, Stockholm.

· 2002: Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm. Seminar leader in the start-up of an internal major change project.

· 2002-2004: Företagsekonomiska Institutet, Stockholm: Guest teacher on management and entrepreneurship for non-academians.

· 2005: Rockcity, Hultsfred: Presentation of an organizational analysis.

2005-2006: Reference group member, Projekt Kulturkraft, Swedish Public Employment Services, Stockholm.

2009-2012: Entrepreneurship and cluster training leader within the Quadruple Helix Central Baltic project.


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