Svenska ProjektAkademien

Johann Packendorff has become an elected member of the Swedish Project Academy (Svenska Projektakademien)

The aim of the Swedish Project Academy is to promote development and application of the project form of organizing. The Academy is a meeting place for nationally renowned professionals with high competence in project management. Members are elected based on project management competence and interest, representing private corporations, public sector organisations, voluntary associations and universities. According to the statutes, the Academy can have no more than 31 members – not counting retired members and Friends of the Academy.

The Academy was founded in 1994. Since then, it actively follows knowledge development within the project management field and stimulates cross-sectorial dialogues on project-related research and its practical applications. The Academy encourages new initiatives within research and development, primarily in the intersection between universities, public administration and private businesses.

Every year, the Academy presents the Swedish Project Manager of the Year award. A number of Academy members have received the award in the past. The Academy also presents an annual national award for the best master or bachelor thesis within the project management field. It also arranges researcher-practitioner seminars, often in collaboration with national IPMA and PMI organisations.

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