Mälardalen University in Västerås, Sweden, hosted the 9th Making Projects Critical workshop 17-18 January 2019. 24 scholars from 16 universities in five countries spend two intense days presenting and discussing topics such as projectification of the public sector, projectified selves in social media and freelancing, professions and artificial intelligence, sustainability contradictions, performativity of project management, agile project management, sociomateriality, and much more. The full program can be obtained here. #mpc9workshop
We are both professors of Industrial Economics and Management at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Aside from living together, we also run several joint professional projects within research, teaching, public speaking and consulting. We are interested in organization and management in a wide sense, but focused on project management, entrepreneurship, gender studies and leadership.
Monica Lindgren (molindg@kth.se)
Johann Packendorff (johann@kth.se)Meta