During a normal university education, a typical student is expected to partake in numerous coursework projects, but this aspect is rarely attended to. Almost all project management courses and textbooks treat the subject as something that students will make use of once they have graduated and started their careers, not as something they may learn by doing as they progress through their university educations. In this short paper, I have collected some tips and advice for students embarking on group/team-based project in their everyday studies. It can be downloaded here!
We are both professors of Industrial Economics and Management at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. Aside from living together, we also run several joint professional projects within research, teaching, public speaking and consulting. We are interested in organization and management in a wide sense, but focused on project management, entrepreneurship, gender studies and leadership.
Monica Lindgren (molindg@kth.se)
Johann Packendorff (johann@kth.se)Meta